However, even without any noise reduction done in ffmpeg, I can easily cleanup images in Topaz Studio, especially fantastic results I get with their new AIClear addon, which I highly recommend for anyone with G9 - results are mind blowing on some shots. I did not finish my investigation into the best noise reduction method. Theoretically nlmeans method should be much better, but for it it produces a lot of artifacts and shifts colors.

ffmpeg -y -i P1080162.MP4 -an -r 30 -vf nlmeans -pix_fmt rgb48 -vcodec tiff tif/%06d.tif.ffmpeg -y -i P1080162.MP4 -an -r 30 -vf nlmeans -pix_fmt rgb48 -vcodec tiff tif/%06d_nlmeans.tif.Some more of the temporal noise reduction filters I played with: The method that is fast and works reasonably well is: My advice is to output to jpeg until you get parameters that you like. If you want to play with noise reduction. This will create A LOT OF BIG FILES (30 * 113Mb per SECOND). We are creating 48bit RGB TIFF files (there are no 10,12, 14 bit image formats that ffmpeg supports). Note that P1080162.MP4 is the name of the 6k file I'm extracting from - make sure to type in the name of the file you want to extract. Copy files which you want to extract frames from.In Finder create folder (I call it "6k") in your home folder.Install brew and then just install ffmpeg. Note all steps have to be done in Terminal, it might look scary but really simple (imho).įfmpeg available on all platforms, but I will use example from my Mac as brew ( ) allow to have most recent version of ffmpeg easily. I use ffmpeg, this allow me to get full 10bit (in 16bit TIFF) files output, but also allows to perform temporal noise reduction (at the expense of the speed).